Jim Clark spoke on Becoming Wiser from Proverbs 9:9 at the morning service. 170827-SA-JimClark
Paul Sain was our guest speaker at the afternoon service. 170827-SP-PaulSain
Jim Clark spoke on Becoming Wiser from Proverbs 9:9 at the morning service. 170827-SA-JimClark
Paul Sain was our guest speaker at the afternoon service. 170827-SP-PaulSain
At our morning service, Jim Clark spoke on Congregational Work from 1 Thessalonians 5:14. 170820-SA-JimClark
At the evening service, Jim's lesson was Abraham: The Obedience of the Faith from Hebrews 11:8-10,17-19. 170820-SP-JimClark
This week we are excited to host our annual summer Gospel Meeting. We will have a different speaker at every service.
Sunday AM: Andy Erwin of West Fayetteville, editor of The Gospel Gleaner. 170806-SA-AndyErwin
Sunday PM: Bill Cantrell of East Huntsville. 170806-SP-BillCantrell
Monday: Mark Posey of Austinville spoke on King David: A Man After God's Own Heart. 170807-GM-MarkPosey
Tuesday: David Sain. 170808-GT-DavidSain
Wednesday: Dick Sztanyo. 170809-GW-DickSztanyo
At the morning service, Jim Clark spoke on The Right Man from the book of Joshua. 170709-SA-JimClark
Our guest speaker at the afternoon service was Tommy Dozier. 170709-SP-TommyDozier
Jim Clark's lesson this morning was Promoting Meaningful Change using Romans 12:1-2. 170702-SA-JimClark
Jim's afternoon sermon asked Is There Not a Cause? using 1 Samuel 17:29. 170702-SP-JimClark
Jim Clark spoke at both services today. The morning sermon was Measuring Things by Eternity from Ecclesiastes 3:11. 170625-SA-JimClark
The afternoon sermon was When Life is a Win/Win Situation from Philippians 1:21. 170625-SP-JimClark
Jim Clark's lesson this morning was Father of Us All, using Romans 4:16. 170618-SA-JimClark
At the evening service, Jim raised the question Is It Nothing To You? using Lamentations 1:12. 170618-SP-JimClark
At the morning service, Jim Clark presented A Good Kind of Tired from Galations 6:9-10. 170611-SA-JimClark
We had 2 guests speakers today! C. Wayne Kilpatrick of Heritage Christian University spoke at the morning service. 170604-SA-CWayneKilpatrick
At the evening service, our speaker was Demar Elam, Director of the Open Door Ministry and Director of Mission Studies at Amridge University. 170604-SP-DemarElam
Jim Clark was the speaker at both services today. The morning sermon was Three Fundamentals of the Church, from I Timothy 3:14-15. 170521-SA-JimClark
The evening sermon was Questions About the Dead. Scripture began with I Thess 4:13, and continued through Ecclesiastes 9:4-5, Luke 16:22-31, Hebrews 9>27, Revelation 6:9-10, 1 Samuel 28:15. In discussing recognition after death, Jim used 1 Cor 15:35-49, Matthew 17:4, Luke 16:23, 2 Cor 5:1-8. 170521-SP-JimClark