Tag Archives: Sunday-AM

We had two guest speakers this week.  Randy Baker spoke at the morning service.   180715-SA-RandyBaker


Bill Cantrell spoke at the afternoon service.  180715-SP-BillCantrell


At the AM service, Jim Clark spoke on Words to Remember using Acts 20:31.  180708-SA-JimClark


C Wayne Kilpatrick was our guest speaker at the PM service.  His sermon was Lack of Respect for God's Word.  180708-SP_CWayneKilpatrick


Jim Clark presented two lessons at worship services today.  Is There Anything in a Name? from Acts 4:17-18 was the AM sermon.  180701-SA-JimClark


Exhortations and Admonitions in View of a Strong Faith from Hebrews 12:12-17 was the PM sermon.  180701-SP-JimClark

At the morning service, Jim Clark presented The Queen of the South from Matthew 12:42 & Luke 11:31.  180624-SA-JimClark


The afternoon lesson was Striving Against Sin from Hebrews 12:4.  180624-SP-JimClark

Jim Clark was our speaker at both services today.  First was Jesus and the Father from John 14:8-9.  180617-SA-JimClark


Next came Jesus: The Ultimate Example of Faith from Hebrews 12:2-3.  180617-SP-JimClark


Mark Posey of the Austinville Church of Christ in Decatur spoke on So Great Salvation from Hebrews 2:1-4 at our morning service.  180610-SA-MarkPosey


Jim Clark was back with us Sunday afternoon to deliver Faith and Each Generation using Hebrews 11:32-40.  180610-SP-JimClark


We had two great guest speakers today!  Scott Wright spoke at the morning service.  180603-SA-ScottWright


Vance Hutton was the speaker at the afternoon service.  180603-SP-Vance Hutton


Jim Clark was the speaker at both services today.  The morning sermon was The Memorial Name from Exodus 3:15.  180527-SA-JimClark


The afternoon sermon was Faith & Victory from Hebrews 11:30-31.  180527-SP-JimClark


Jim Clark spoke at both services today.  The morning sermon was The Firstfruits from Jeremiah 2:2-3.  180520-SA-JimClark


The afternoon sermon was  Faith and Faithfulness from Hebrews 11:28-29.  180520-SP-JimClark

Jim Clark spoke on Powerful Women in Tough Times from Judges 17:1-6 at the morning service.  180513-SA-JimClark


At the afternoon service, Jim spoke on Faith and Decisions from Hebrews 11:23-27.  180513-SP-JimClark