Tag Archives: Bible Class

Jim Clark taught class this morning on Psalm 144. 151011-SB-Jim Clark


Jim Clark delivered our sermon this morning on The Sovereignty of Kingdom. 151011-SA-JimClark


Jim Clark delivered our sermon this evening titled "The Promise of Ruin and Return" from Amos 9. 151011_SP-Jim Clark

Our guest speaker at all services today was Ronnie Hayes of the Adamsville Church of Christ.

Adult Bible Class:  150809-SB-RonnieHayes


Morning Worship:  150809-SA-RonnieHayes


Evening Worship:  150809-SP-RonnieHayes


Steve Taylor was our "guest" speaker this morning.  During the Adult Bible Class, Steve narrated a video of the missionary work he & Kandie do in Ghana.  150719-SB-SteveTaylor


Steve was also the speaker at the worship hour.  150719-SA-SteveTaylor


Scott Wright delivered a message titled Broken beginning with Matthew 11:28.  150719-SP-ScottWright

Our guest speaker this morning in the Adult Bible Class was Steve Ferguson of Elkmont.  150621-SB-SteveFerguson


At the worship hour, Steve spoke on The Other Father150621_0587.mp3


Ron Williams of the Lincoln Church of Christ in Huntsville was our guest speaker at the evening service.  150621-SP-RonWilliams