Jim Clark delivered Growing Unto Salvation from 1 Peter 2:1-3 at the morning services.
Our guest speaker at the afternoon service was Kyle Hayes.
Keep up with our campers this week at https://limestonebiblecamp.org.
Jim Clark delivered Growing Unto Salvation from 1 Peter 2:1-3 at the morning services.
Our guest speaker at the afternoon service was Kyle Hayes.
Keep up with our campers this week at https://limestonebiblecamp.org.
Jim Clark spoke at both services, leading off with Division Where There Was Unity from II Chronicles 10:19.
The second sermon was Importance of Preparing the Heart from II Chronicles 11-12.
Jim Clark delivered two sermons today. First was The Excellence of God, using Psalm 8.
Next came Watch and Be Sober using 1 Thessalonians 5:6.
Our own Jim Clark was back in the pulpit this week. The Sunday morning lesson was What Do Children Need Today? from Judges 13:12.
The Sunday afternoon sermons was The Pursuit of Spiritual Riches from I Timothy 6:6-12.
We again had two guest speakers with us today. At the morning service, Paul Sain spoke on Christ Died for Our Sins.
At the afternoon service, our guest speaker was Tommy Dozier.
We had two fine guest speakers today. C. Wayne Kilpatrick spoke on The Holy Spirit and the Christian at the morning service.
David Sain was the speaker at the afternoon service.
Our morning lesson from Jim Clark was Respect from Isiah 17:6-7.
Jim's afternoon sermon was Refreshed from Acts 3:19.
Jim Clark spoke at both services today. The morning lesson was Interaction from John 1:11-12.
The afternoon sermon was Calling on the Name of the Lord, with scriptures beginning with Genesis 4:26.
Jim Clark was our speaker at both services today. The morning sermon was Relationship unto Holiness from 1 Peter 1:13-16.
The afternoon sermon was Identifying the Church from Acts 2:47; 28:22-23.
Our guest speaker at our spring Gospel Meeting is Hiram Kemp. Hiram is a minister with the South Florida Avenue Church of Christ in Lakeland, Florida. He is also an instructor at the Florida School of Preaching. Please come take part and hear a great lesson from a fine young preacher.