This morning, Jim Clark spoke on Count Your Blessings.
Jim Clark was also our speaker this evening.
This morning, Jim Clark spoke on Count Your Blessings.
Jim Clark was also our speaker this evening.
This morning Jim Clark spoke on Effects of Grace from 2 Tim 2:1 141005-SA-JimClark
The evening speaker was Donnie Moore of Evans, GA. 141005-SP-DonnieMoore
This morning, Jim Clark spoke on Recipients of Saving Grace: Those in Christ Jesus, from 2 Timothy 2:1. 140928-SA-JimClark
This evening, Jim Clark's lesson was from Ecclesiastes 6: The Unfulfilled Life 140928-SP-JimClark
Jim Clark spoke on Grace this morning. 140921-SA-JimClark
Tonight, Jim spoke on Watch Your Step from Eccl 5. 140921-SP-JimClark
Jim Clark spoke on Dealing with Discouragement from I Kings 19 this morning.
Jim Clark spoke this morning: 140907-SA-JimClark
Our guest speaker this evening was Joey Treat, a missionary from the Pacific Island of Palau. 140907-SP-JoeyTreat
Our speaker today was Tony Demonbreun.
Bible Class: 140817-SB-TonyDemonbreun
Morning Worship: 140817-SA-TonyDemonbreun
Evening Worship: 140817-SP-TonyDemonbreun