
This morning Jim Clark spoke on Effects of Grace from 2 Tim 2:1  141005-SA-JimClark


The evening speaker was Donnie Moore of Evans, GA.  141005-SP-DonnieMoore

This morning, Jim Clark spoke on Recipients of Saving Grace: Those in Christ Jesus, from 2 Timothy 2:1.  140928-SA-JimClark


This evening, Jim Clark's lesson was from Ecclesiastes 6: The Unfulfilled Life 140928-SP-JimClark


Jim Clark spoke this morning:  140907-SA-JimClark


Our guest speaker this evening was Joey Treat, a missionary from the Pacific Island of Palau.  140907-SP-JoeyTreat

Our speaker today was Tony Demonbreun.

Bible Class: 140817-SB-TonyDemonbreun 

Morning Worship: 140817-SA-TonyDemonbreun 

Evening Worship: 140817-SP-TonyDemonbreun