This morning our guest speaker was Gary Bradley, Jr. Gary was the preacher here in 1981-1984. In the Adult Bible Class, Gary spoke on The Power of Kindness. 150517-SB-GaryBradleyJr
At the morning worship service, Gary spoke on Opposition using Luke 15. 150517-SA-GaryBradleyJr
At the evening worship service, Jim Clark spoke on Jonah and God: The Student and the Teacher from Jonah 4. 150517-SP-JimClark
We began our Gospel Meeting Sunday morning, with speaker Barry Gilreath, Jr., of the Jackson Heights Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama. Brother Gilreath spoke first in the Adult Bible Class. 150405-SB-BarryGilreathJr
At the worship hour, Brother Gilreath's lesson was A Lame Man, Dead Dog, & a Bright Future, citing 2 Samuel 9:1-13. 150405-SA-BarryGilreathJr
At the evening services, Barry spoke on Regaining Your Moral Compass, using Psalms 9:10 and 119:9-11, 119:2-4, and 119:14-18. 150405-SP-BarryGilreathJr
Kurt Woods was the guest speaker again in the Adult Bible Class this morning, discussing the Assyrian Invasion of Judah and Siege of Jerusalem. 150329-SB-KurtWoods
Jim Clark concluded his series on God's Agriculture with a lesson on Patience Unto Harvest using Luke 8:15. 150329-SA-JimClark
At the evening service, Jim Clark continued his series on the Minor Prophets with Learning from the Prophet Joel, using the Book of Joel. 150329-SP-JimClark
Bryan Romine talks about growing up in the Church at Bethel and the examples he had that influenced his life and work in the Church. 150322_SP-BryanRomine