
Scott Wright spoke on Words from I Kings 19 this morning.   160320-SA-ScottWright


Scott Wright was the speaker at the evening service as well, covering Treasure in Jars of Clay from II Corinthians 4.  160320-SP-ScottWright

This morning Jim Clark spoke on Godly Sorrow, beginning with 2 Corinthians 7:10.  160313-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim finished his series on Micah with Hope While Hurting from Micah 7.  160313-SP-JimClark

Our morning lesson from Jim Clark was on Characteristics of Converts from Acts 2:47.  160306-SA-JimClark


Our guest speaker at the evening service was Steve Worley, who reported on his mission work in Jos, Nigeria.  To find out more about his work, check  160306-SP-SteveWorley

At the morning service, Jim Clark concluded his Fulfilling Our Purpose series with Brethren from 1 Timothy 3:15 and 5:1-2.  160228-SA-JimClark


At the evening service Jim spoke again on the minor prophet Micah, with the lesson What Does the Lord Require? from Micah 6:8.  160228-SP-JimClark


Our speaker at both services today was Jim Clark.  The morning lesson was a continuation of the series Fulfilling Our Purpose: Parenting using Judges 13:12.  160221-SA-JimClark


The evening service continued Jim's series on Micah with the lesson The Ruler and the Remnant from Micah 5:2-15.  160221-SP-JimClark


This morning Jim Clark continued his "purpose" series with Fulfilling Our Purpose: Women, using I Timothy 2:8-15.  160214-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, our speaker was Blake Davis, a new missionary that we recently began to help support in Virginia.  For more from Blake, check his blog at  160214-SP-BlakeDavis

This morning Jim Clark began a new series with Fulfilling our Purpose: Men from I Kings 2:2.  160207-SP-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim continued his minor prophet series with Micah 4:1-5:1: A Blessed Future160207-SP-JimClark


This morning Jim Clark continued his series on Respecting the Sanctity of... with a lesson on Truth and Integrity, beginning with Romans 13:9: "Thou shalt not bear false witness"  160124-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim got deeper into his new series on the minor prophet Micah, studying Micah 2 with a lesson entitled There Comes Trouble.   160124-SP-JimClark

At the morning service, Jim Clark spoke on Respecting the Sanctity of Personal Stewardship, beginning with Romans 13:9 and Titus 2:9-10.  160117-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim began a new series on the minor prophet Micah, studying Micah 1.   160117-SP-JimClark

This morning Jim Clark spoke on Respecting the Sanctity of Marriage and the Home, beginning with Romans 13:9 and 13:13-14.  160110-SA-JimClark


Continuing our study through Hosea, Jim Clark's message at the evening service was The Lord's Final Appeal covering Hosea 12-14.  160110-SP-JimClark