The sermon this morning from Jim Clark was The Trying of Faith from James 1:2-4. 170108-SA-JimClark
Jim's afternoon lesson was Building a Successful Life from Matthew 11:29. 170108-SP-JimClark
The sermon this morning from Jim Clark was The Trying of Faith from James 1:2-4. 170108-SA-JimClark
Jim's afternoon lesson was Building a Successful Life from Matthew 11:29. 170108-SP-JimClark
Jim Clark presented the lesson How the Blessed See Time using James 4:13-17 at the morning service. 170101-SA-JimClark
At the evening service, Jim's sermon was Building a Successful Life. 170101-SP-JimClark
This morning, Jim Clark spoke on A Relevant Church from Ephesians 1:3, 10, 22-23. 161218-SA-JimClark
Our morning lesson from Jim Clark was Qualities of an Evangelistic, Benevolent, and Edifying Congregation from Acts 2-9. 161204-SA-JimClark
Our guest speaker at our evening service was Jerry Hogg of the South Africa Bible College. He delivered a fine lesson and spoke on the mission work there.
At the morning service, Jim Clark spoke on Five Benefits of a Benevolent God from Psalms 103:1-5. 161127-SA-JimClark
Jim continued his series on Malachi at the evening service with Profaning Holy Matrimony from chapter 2, verses 10-16. 161127-SP-JimClark
At the morning service, Jim Clark spoke on God's Divine "Economy" from Ephesians 1:10, 3:9 and 1 Timothy 1:4. 161120-SA-JimClark
At the evening service, Jim used Malachi 2:1-9 to present the sermon A Perverted Priesthood. 161120-SP-JimClark
At the morning service, Jim Clark spoke on Edifying the Body of Christ using Ephesians 4:12. 161113-SA-JimClark
At the evening service, Jim presented When the Spiritual Do Not Act Spiritual using Malachi 1:6-14. 161113-SP-JimClark
This morning Jim Clark presented For What Can the Church Be Thankful? at the morning worship service, using Acts 28:15. 161106-SA-JimClark
Jim also spoke at the evening service, bringing a lesson from Malachi 1:1-5 entitled Understanding the Lord's Love. 161106-SP-JimClark
Jim Clark spoke at both services today. The morning sermon was The Dynamics of Holiness from Romans 6:19,22. 161023-SA-JimClark
The evening sermon was The Lord Who Restores from Zechariah 10. 161023-SP-JimClark