
Jim Clark spoke at both services today.  The morning sermon was Measuring Things by Eternity from Ecclesiastes 3:11.  170625-SA-JimClark


The afternoon sermon was When Life is a Win/Win Situation from Philippians 1:21.  170625-SP-JimClark

Jim Clark's lesson this morning was Father of Us All, using Romans 4:16.  170618-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim raised the question Is It Nothing To You? using Lamentations 1:12.  170618-SP-JimClark

We had 2 guests speakers today!  C. Wayne Kilpatrick of Heritage Christian University spoke at the morning service.  170604-SA-CWayneKilpatrick


At the evening service, our speaker was Demar Elam, Director of the Open Door Ministry and Director of Mission Studies at Amridge University.  170604-SP-DemarElam


Jim Clark was the speaker at both services today.  The morning sermon was Three Fundamentals of the Church, from I Timothy 3:14-15.  170521-SA-JimClark


The evening sermon was Questions About the Dead.  Scripture began with I Thess 4:13, and continued through Ecclesiastes 9:4-5, Luke 16:22-31, Hebrews 9>27, Revelation 6:9-10, 1 Samuel 28:15. In discussing recognition after death, Jim used 1 Cor 15:35-49, Matthew 17:4, Luke 16:23, 2 Cor 5:1-8.  170521-SP-JimClark


Jim Clark spoke on Grace from I Samuel 1 & 2 this morning.  170514-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim spoke on Turning the World Upside Down beginning with Acts 17:1.  170514-SP-JimClark

At the morning service, Jim Clark spoke on Test Time using Jeremiah 17:9-10.  170430-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim's lesson was The Challenge of Living a Christian Life, using scripture from II Timothy 3.  170430-SP-JimClark


Jimmy Clark was our speaker at both services today.  The morning sermon was Do You Really Want to Be Like Jesus?  using Romans 8:28-29.  170416-SA-JimClark


The evening sermon was A Chronological Study of Paul's Writings using Romans through Hebrews.  170416-SP-JimClark



Our Spring Gospel Meeting is underway!  Our guest speaker is Stan Stevenson of Rome, Tennessee.

Stan's lesson in the Sunday Morning Bible Class was The Bible is Like a Hammer.  170402-SB-StanStevenson  


At the morning worship service, Stan spoke on What Must I Do to be Saved?  170402-SA-StanStevenson  


Stan spoke on Distinctiveness of the Church at the afternoon service.  170402-SP-StanStevenson


On Monday, Stan delivered Lessons from David & Goliath.  170403-MG-StanStevenson


Stan continued his lessons on Tuesday...  170404-TG-StanStevenson


...and Wednesday.  170405-WG-StanStevenson