Gospel Meeting

Our guest speaker at our spring Gospel Meeting is Hiram Kemp. Hiram is a minister with the South Florida Avenue Church of Christ in Lakeland, Florida. He is also an instructor at the Florida School of Preaching. Please come take part and hear a great lesson from a fine young preacher.

Sunday Bible Class

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Evening Worship - Our Love For God

The Debt of the Disciple
5 Basic Truths About Baptism
Romans 8 - Questions to Answer

Our Gospel Meeting featured a different speaker at each service.

Sunday Morning: Andy Erwin  180805-SA-AndyErwin


Sunday Afternoon: Paul Sain  180806-SP-PaulSain


Monday: Miles Stutts  180805-GM-MilesStutts


Tuesday: Kyle Butt  180807-GT-KyleButt


Wednesday: Dick Sztanyo  180808-GW-DickSztanyo


Our Spring Gospel Meeting began on Sunday morning, with Gary Bradley Jr. speaking at each service.  Gary was the preacher at Bethel in the early 1980's.  We're glad to have him back home with us.

Sunday Bible Class: 180401-SB-GaryBradleyJr


Sunday Morning: 180401-SA-GaryBradleyJr


Sunday Afternoon:  180401-SP-GaryBradleyJr


Monday  180402-GM-GaryBradleyJr


Tuesday  180403-GT-GaryBradleyJr


Wednesday  180404-GW-GaryBradleyJr