This morning Ken Butterworth began teaching the adult Bible Class. 150104-SB-KenButterworth
Jim Clark spoke at the morning service. 150104-SA-JimClark
This morning Ken Butterworth began teaching the adult Bible Class. 150104-SB-KenButterworth
Jim Clark spoke at the morning service. 150104-SA-JimClark
Our guest speaker this morning was Jerry Hogg of the Southern Africa Bible School in Benoni, South Africa.
In Bible Class, Jerry gave an update on his work & that of the Southern Africa Bible School.
Jerry was also our speaker during the worship hour.
Jim Clark spoke at the evening service.
In the Adult Bible Class tonight, Jim Clark spoke on questions raised by his teen students at Limestone Bible Camp.
Our guest speaker in Bible Class on Wednesday evening was Kyle Butt of Apologetics Press.
Our speaker today was Tony Demonbreun.
Bible Class: 140817-SB-TonyDemonbreun
Morning Worship: 140817-SA-TonyDemonbreun
Evening Worship: 140817-SP-TonyDemonbreun
This is the Sunday Morning Sermon for March 30, 2014. Jim Clark is the speaker.
This is the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class, lead by Jim Clark: