
Steve Taylor was our "guest" speaker this morning.  During the Adult Bible Class, Steve narrated a video of the missionary work he & Kandie do in Ghana.  150719-SB-SteveTaylor


Steve was also the speaker at the worship hour.  150719-SA-SteveTaylor


Scott Wright delivered a message titled Broken beginning with Matthew 11:28.  150719-SP-ScottWright

Our guest speaker this morning in the Adult Bible Class was Steve Ferguson of Elkmont.  150621-SB-SteveFerguson


At the worship hour, Steve spoke on The Other Father150621_0587.mp3


Ron Williams of the Lincoln Church of Christ in Huntsville was our guest speaker at the evening service.  150621-SP-RonWilliams

C. Wayne Kilpatrick was our guest speaker this morning.  In the Adult Bible Class, he  presented a report on his mission work in Mexico.  150614-SB-WayneKilpatrick


Wayne also presented the lesson at the morning worship service:  150614-SA-WayneKilpatrick


Our guest speaker at the evening worship service was Ken Butterworth.  150614-SP-KenButterworth

Bill Skipworth was the guest speaker this morning in both the Adult Bible Class... 150607-SB-BillSkipworth


...and in the Worship Hour, when he used John 19 to speak on strengthening faith when your love for Christ or man weakens.  150607-SA-BillSkipworth


Jeff Woods was the speaker at the evening service.  150607-SP-JeffWoods

This morning our guest speaker was Gary Bradley, Jr.  Gary was the preacher here in 1981-1984.  In the Adult Bible Class, Gary spoke on The Power of Kindness150517-SB-GaryBradleyJr


At the morning worship service, Gary spoke on Opposition using Luke 15.  150517-SA-GaryBradleyJr


At the evening worship service, Jim Clark spoke on Jonah and God: The Student and the Teacher from Jonah 4.  150517-SP-JimClark

Jim Clark was the speaker in the Adult Bible Class this morning.  150510-SB-JimClark


At the worship hour, Jim lead a "singing" service on the Heart of Singing150510-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim spoke on The Preaching of Jonah from Jonah 3.  150510-SP-JimClark

Scott Wright lead the Adult Bible Class this morning.  150503-SB-ScottWright


At the worship hour, Scott brought a lesson on Why I Need the Church, using Ephesians 2:11-22.  150503_0554.mp3


Bill Skipworth was the speaker at the evening worship service.  150503-SP-BillSkipworth

Bill Skipworth lead the discussion in the Adult Bible Class this morning.  150419_0545.mp3


Jim Clark spoke on Grace and the Heart of the Gospel at the morning worship hour, using Romans 6:1-6.  150419-SA-JimClark


At the evening service, Jim Clark spoke on The Book of Jonah: More Than a Fish Tale using Jonah 1.  150419-SP-JimClark