August 7-10, 2016 – Gospel Meeting!

David Sain was the first speaker of our August Gospel Meeting.   160807-SA-DavidSain


Our afternoon speaker was Ron Williams of the Lincoln Church of Christ, who brought us the lesson What Satan Whispers: The Tools of the Devil from Ephesians 6:10-12.  160807-SP-RonWilliams


On Monday evening, our speaker was Randy Pyle, pulpit minister of the Meridianville Church of Christ.  160808-GM-RandyPyle


Our Tuesday speaker was Kyle Butt of Apologetics Press.  160809-GT-KyleButt


C Wayne Kilpatrick closed out our Gospel Meeting with a lesson on The Parable of the Lost Sheep from Luke 15:1-7.  160810-GW-CWayneKilpatrick