Gospel Meeting: August 2-5, 2015

Our Gospel Meeting began on Sunday and runs through Wednesday.  Join us if you can!

Our first speaker was Chris Kemp of Calhoun, GA.  Chris spoke in the Adult Bible Class... 150802-SB-ChrisKemp


... and the worship hour.  150802-SA-ChrisKemp


Our Sunday evening speaker was Bill Cantrell of  the East Huntsville Church of Christ.  150802-SP-BillCantrell


Monday evening our own Ken Butterworth brought us a lesson titled Don't Ever Give Up, Don't Ever Give Out, Don't Ever Give In, using numerous scriptures, beginning with Galatians 6:9.  150803-GM-KenButterworth


On Tuesday evening our speaker was Allen Webster of the Jacksonville Church of Christ150804-GT-AllenWebster


Our final speaker of the week was Gary Bradley Jr.  His lesson began in II Samuel 3.  150805-GW-GaryBradleyJr